Tag Archives: Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland WA

5/9/21 “Children of an Always and Forever Loving God” by Pastor Jim Lindus

In this Mother’s Day sermon, Pastor Jim explores what a motherly love God has for us. Pastor Jim reads a classic children’s story and Karl sings several favorites. Join us in this online worship service. As a reminder, in-person church services are held each Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

5/2/21 “All Tribes – All People” by Pastor Jim Lindus

We are called to love beyond our own tribe… beyond what is familiar to us. We are called to enlarge our capacity for love, kindness and service… to break down barriers rather than build them up. This sermon explores the disciples’ growth in understanding that God loves ALL people, as they encountered people from the wider world interested in the Good News of the Gospel.

2/28/21 “…Sometimes You Get What You Need” by Pastor Jim Lindus

Have you taken inventory of your life lately? Do your values align with your actions and choices? Have you done the hard work of reconciliation and forgiveness?

Have you listened to loving voices calling you to move forward in a positive way and drop habits and baggage that are weighing you down?

Give a listen to Pastor Jim’s sermon “…Sometimes You Get what You Need,” and share it with someone you care about.

1/24/21 “Finding Hope in God” by Pastor Eileen Burdick

Pastor Eileen serves as a hospice chaplain and shares insights into what she has learned from ministering to people in the last stages of their lives.
She explores what comes into sharper focus as hospice patients ‘downsize’ their lives in preparation for moving from this life into an eternal future closer to God.
Karl Olsen, Trinity Minister of Music, augments the sermon with a special rendition of Psalm 62, plus other hymns accompanied by his wife, Deb Lund.

1/17/21 “Turning Wine into Water” by Pastor Jim Lindus

Are we in danger of turning wine into water by ignoring God’s grace and call for unity — unity which actually celebrates diversity?

Jesus knew what it was like to be looked down on — even by people of his own hometown of Nazareth.

In this sermon on the eve of honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is good to be reminded of his prophetic vision at a time when so many are divided in this broken world.

12/20/20 “Her Story… His Story… Our Story” by Pastor Jim Lindus

At the core of the Christmas story is a human story full of joy — but also pain and doubt and suffering.  God broke into the human story to remind us that we are not alone and indeed became one of us in human form.  Not only was history changed, but our story was changed as well.

12/13/20 “One Foot in Front of the Other” by Pastor Jim Lindus

What do we do when life doesn’t follow the rules and nothing seems to make sense? How are we to go forward not knowing where the road will take us or what the future holds for us? How did Joseph manage when his world seemed to fall apart? Listen as Pastor Jim preaches good news and Karl sings advent favorites.