11/10/24 “What to Do with Poverty” by Pastor Jim Lindus – 10:30 a.m.

We’re glad you could join us for Sunday worship services. Pastor Jim Lindus is preaching this morning.

The service begins with a warm welcome, inviting everyone to join in worship. It emphasizes inclusivity and community. The widow’s mite offering illustrates giving from poverty as contrasted with giving from abundance for show, and how hers was the more worthy offering. Different types of poverty were outlined, and the congregation was encouraged to trust God and serve others, even during these politically divisive times.

10/13/24 “A Rich Guy Meets Jesus” by Pastor Chris Breuninger – 8 a.m.

We’re glad you could join us for Sunday worship services. Pastor Chris Breuninger is preaching this morning about the rich young ruler who wanted to follow Jesus, but was conflicted in his attachment to his wealth. Pastor Jim is presiding at the service.