Tag Archives: Pastor Jim Lindus

10/16/22 “A Sermon About Nothing” by Pastor Jim Lindus

Welcome to the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Oct. 16.

Pastor Jim Lindus is preaching a sermon titled: “A Sermon About Nothing.” Karl and the choir sing, and we pray that this message of God’s faithful love will provide you with peace and reassurance.

8/14/22 “Compassion or Crabbiness? It’s Your Choice” 8 a.m.

Welcome to our online worship service at 8 a.m. Pastor Jim is preaching this morning.

Pastor Jim is preaching this morning about the story of Jesus healing the woman who was bent over for 18 years, and the reaction of some when he healed her on the Sabbath.

Feel free to share this sermon with others on your social media feed.

We love hearing from our online family as well.

8/7/22 “The Folly of Abundance” by Pastor Jim Lindus

Welcome to our online worship service at 8 a.m.

Pastor Jim is preaching this morning on the ‘folly of abundance’ as depicted in Jesus’ parable about the rich man who sought to store up increased riches by building bigger barns rather than sharing his wealth with the poor.