7/23/23 “Is Diversity A Good Thing?” by Pastor Jim Lindus – 8 a.m.

Welcome to our Sunday worship service at 8 a.m. We are glad you could join us! Pastor Jim is preaching today about the interconnectedness of believers in a faith community, and why we need everyone to function at our best. Everyone has a part to play.

7/2/23 “Can We Admit That?” by Pastor Jim Lindus – 8 a.m.

Welcome to our Sunday worship service at 8 a.m. We are glad you could join us!
Pastor Jim is preaching today about being honest about how little we know of a magnificent God, but holding strong and close to what we do know about a loving God through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
PS: the special music today after the sermon is incredibly beautiful and heartfelt.

6/18/23 “The Truth That Once Was Spoken” by Pastor Jim Lindus

Pastor Jim’s sermon on this Father’s Day is on “The Truth That Once Was Spoken” and will include a film clip sure to move your heart.

And, have you ever heard a euphonium duet?

Well, this is your chance as we enjoy the special music of Arne Bergstrom and Bruce Hanson.

6/11/23 “Disrupted Complacency” by Pastor Jim Lindus – 10 a.m.

Welcome to our Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. We are glad you could join us! Pastor Jim is preaching this morning on “Disrupted Complacency.”
What did Jesus do that moved people out of their comfort zone into meaningful change? What will move us?
We also have lovely special music today and two baptisms! If this worship service speaks to your heart, why not share it with someone you know?

4/23/23 “Words of Promise” by Pastor Jim Lindus – 8 a.m.

Welcome to our Sunday worship service at 8:00 a.m. We are glad you could join us this third Sunday of Easter as we travel the road to Emmaus. Pastor Jim will be preaching an uplifting message, Karl will be singing, Sheila playing, and there will be Holy Communion.

4/2/23 Palm Sunday “Song of the Shadows” and a Holy Week Homily by Pastor Jim – 8 a.m.

Welcome to our Palm Sunday morning worship service at 8 a.m. This morning the Trinity Lutheran Choir and guest orchestra perform a moving Palm Sunday Cantata “Song of the Shadows” followed by an Easter Week homily by Pastor Jim.